Available training courses


Nick delivers the following courses as one- to three-day private, on-site training workshops and public, open-registration workshops globally.

To schedule a private workshop or attend or host a public workshop in your city, contact us.


Practical Charts (two-day course)
Coming April 2020

Many graphs and tables are unnecessarily confusing, fail to convey key insights, or misrepresent reality—even when the chart creator wasn’t trying to deceive anyone. Even experienced data analysts routinely create charts that audiences find to be hard to read, pointless, or misleading.

Based on Nick Desbarats’ experiences teaching data visualization to thousands of professionals in over a dozen countries, the two-day Practical Charts course uses hands-on, realistic group exercises to teach participants how to avoid common data visualization mistakes and meet real-world data visualization challenges so that they’re able to create clear, useful, compelling, and truthful charts.

Detailed course description

Beyond Dashboards (one-day course)

The dirty little secret of the dashboard world is that most dashboards fail to satisfy users and organizations. Users have trouble finding answers to basic data-related questions and fail to notice urgent problems because they’re hidden behind clicks, easy to miss, or possibly not even on the dashboard at all.

Based on Nick Desbarats’ experiences designing dashboards for over 50 large organizations and teaching dashboard design to thousands of professionals, the one-day Beyond Dashboards course uncovers the real reasons why so many dashboards fail to satisfy users and organizations, reasons that go far deeper than the visual design on which most courses and books focus. Course participants come away with a detailed, practical framework for designing all of the major types of dashboards that are commonly needed by users in organizations.

Detailed course description

Practical Charts - Beyond Dashboards Combined.png

Practical Charts + Beyond Dashboards (three-day course)

Practical Charts and Beyond Dashboards can be delivered as stand-alone courses or combined into a three-day workshop.

Courses based on the books of Stephen Few

Stephen Few has granted permission to Nick Desbarats to develop and deliver courses based on the principles and best practices described in his books. These courses are not reviewed or accredited by Steve.

Clear & Simple Charts (two-day course)

Designed and updated by Nick Desbarats based on the principles and best practices in Stephen Few’s foundational book, Show Me the Numbers, the two-day Clear & Simple Charts course equips participants with the principles, best practices and knowledge of common mistakes that enable them to design tables and graphs that communicate quantitative data effectively.

Detailed course description

Graphs for Analysis (one-day course)

Designed and updated by Nick Desbarats based on the principles and best practices in Stephen Few’s foundational book, Now You See It, the one-day Graphs for Analysis course teaches participants simple yet powerful techniques for finding meaning within data using data visualization as opposed to non-visual statistical methods.

Detailed course description