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Visual Business Intelligence Workshop (three days)

October 8-10, 2019 | Ottawa, Canada

Workshop Description
Nick Desbarats, the first and only educator authorized by Stephen Few to teach his foundational courses, will deliver two data visualization and dashboard design courses over three days at the state-of-the-art Barrick Salon at The Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa, Canada. Participants may register for one or both courses. At the end of each course, participants in that course will receive a copy of the Stephen Few book on which it's based. Courses are based on landmark research in the fields of data visualization, human perception, and cognitive science, as well as decades of real-world executive experience. Workshops are highly interactive, consisting of engaging presentation segments and group exercises to ensure deep comprehension and long-term retention of key concepts that can be applied immediately.

Space is limited to allow for a high degree of personal interaction and feedback, and early registration is recommended.

Courses in This Workshop
Show Me the Numbers (Oct. 8 and Oct. 9): Equips participants with the fundamentals, best practices and knowledge of common mistakes that enable them to design tables and graphs that communicate quantitative data effectively.

Information Dashboard Design (Oct. 10): Teaches participants how to design information dashboards that can be visually scanned quickly and that enable users to easily spot problems and opportunities that require their attention.

Detailed descriptions of each course can be found here.

Group Discount
Groups of three or more participants from the same organization are eligible for a 10% discount. Please email us at to request a group discount code before registering.

Non-Profit/Education/Public Sector Discount
Employees of public sector, non-profit, and educational institutions (full-time students or faculty) are eligible for a 20% discount. Please email us at to request a discount code before you register. Please note that this discount cannot be combined with a group discount.

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The workshop will be held in the state-of-the-art Barrick Salon at The Canadian Museum of Nature. The museum is wheelchair-accessible.

Lunch will be provided each day along with morning and afternoon refreshments.

What to Bring
You do not need to bring anything to the workshop, although some participants bring personal notepads to take notes. No computers or software are used during the workshop and all handouts and books are provided.

Each workshop day will begin at 9:00am and end at approximately 4:30pm with a one-hour break for lunch and 15-minute mid-morning and mid-afternoon breaks. Registration check-in begins at 8:30am each day.

When you check in, you will be given a badge and an information packet of materials for all of the courses for which you've registered. At the end of each course, a copy of the Stephen Few book on which that course is based will be provided to each participant at no additional cost.

If you have any questions, please contact us at or call us at +1-613-909-3169.